Unveiling the Sweet Secret: Exploring the Health Benefits of Raw Honey
Unveiling the Sweet Secret: Exploring the Health Benefits of Raw Honey
From boosting immunity to promoting wound healing and supporting digestive health, the benefits of raw honey are truly remarkable. However, ...
Raw Artisan Honey Blog

World Bee Day - 20 May -

What Happens to Honey Bees in Winter
What Happens to Honey Bees in Winter
As the temperatures falls and there is little or no food available in the foraging area, people often wonder, how do honey bees survive? Unlike other insects, bees do not hibernate in the cold months; they are active all winter long. As the weather gets colder, the bees will start preparing for winter.

The importance of honey bees
The importance of honey bees
Bees are the key to the survival of humanity. Of the pollinating insects, bees play the biggest role in crop pollination, without which fruits, certain vegetables and fodder crops grown for humans and animals would not be produced, thus endangering the food supply. We owe a significant portion of our food to bees, as 90% of our food plants and wild plants are grown and reproduced by pollinating bees.